
Get it on vinyl

Back 2 Wax Records for Sale
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Book now pay Weekly or Month End
Choose between weekly or monthly invoices. Weekly invoices are sent on a Friday & our monthly invoice goes out on the 25th of the month. Orders are shipped within 48 hours of receiving payment.
New titles added every week
Our updated list is loaded on this page every week with new opportunities to build your collection. You also have the option to send us your wish list so we can keep a look out for your most wanted tracks. Build a relationship with record dealers that have your back.
Quality you can count on
Honesty is our best policy. We take care and pride to ensure our records are graded fairly and only records that pass our standard are added to our list. Our motto is if we won’t buy it we don’t expect you to either. You are in great hands 🙂
Order terms

If you reserve it, you need to take it. Once the record is allocated to your name it’s treated as a sale and removed from our sales list. Please only order if you have the funds to pay.

Weekly invoices must be paid by the following Monday. Monthly invoices must be paid no later than the 1st of the following month. Once you have requested your invoice, payment is due and you may not change your mind and delay payment. All unpaid orders will go back up for sale once the required payment period has lapsed.

All records reserved must be paid for by the end of the month and no orders will be carried forward to the following month.

Clients with outstanding invoices will not be able to reserve more records until the invoice is paid.

Records are reserved on a “first come first serve” basis. We use the email timestamp to allocate orders to collectors.

Shipping Information
Please take note of our shipping requirements. All orders will be ready for postage or collection 48 hours after we receive payment.
  • Postnet Shipping fee

    Postnet to Postnet orders are R120 countrywide. We drop orders off at postnet on a Tuesday or Thursday.

  • Door to Door Shipping

    For door to door shipping we provide a custom quote based on your address and quantity of records. Please email us your shipping address when you place an order so we can provide you with a shipping estimate.

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