Insurance FAQ

Dj Swop shop has partnered with insurance brokers who can assist you to get cover for your equipment. Your equipment will be insured under a business or personal policy along with your other insurable assets.

When you request a quote your details will be passed onto our insurance brokers who will contact you to process an insurance quotation for you.

A personal insurance policy is for djs that want to ensure their equipment for home use only. It is equipment that remains at home and is not used to generate income.

The equipment will be insured with your household contents and vehicle to give you one comprehensive policy that covers everything.

Note that if you use your equipment to play out in exchange for charging a fee this is considered commercial use and you would need to look at a commercial or business insurance policy to ensure you have sufficient cover.

A business insurance policy is for djs and other businesses in the industry that use their equipment to generate an income.

The equipment will be insured with your other business assets and equipment to give you one comprehensive policy that covers everything.

Your equipment is covered during transport and when the equipment is in your care. That includes off loading and loading the equipment to and from your vehicle. There is no insurance cover for dry hire or while the equipment is in use by your client.

To spread the risk and make the premiums more affordable, the insurers will only insure your equipment together with your other assets. Your equipment is covered under your household contents for a personal policy. For a business policy it is covered under your all risks policy to include cover when in transit and on and offloading and at your storage facility.

We work with insurance brokers that have experience setting up insurance policies for clients just like you. They have the understanding of your needs to ensure you obtain best cover at the best rate.

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